$15.00 USD
In the Garden of Remembrance is a collection of traditional prayers to brighten your heart, ease your burdens, and bathe you in the fragrance of faith. Adapted from Murad al-Adnani's book of litanies and translated from the Arabic by Ribaat's own Nishat Lal, this sparkling collection features two heartfelt introductions followed by prayers of praise, salawat, forgiveness, protection, and personal need, bookended by salawat again. All this is followed by a section of time-honored prayers and adhkar often recited at Rabata events. (All duas appear in Arabic, English, and transliterated Arabic.)
$24.95 USD
This is the textbook for "PUR 101: Training the Tongue, Purifying the Heart" with the Ribaat Academic Program. For more information please visit ribaat.rabata.org This is a classic Sufi manual on the 'science of the heart.' For Sufis, the 'heart' is more than a piece of flesh, it is the seat of the soul, and holds the key to the intimate relationship which exists between soul and body. Each heart, according to this traditional wisdom accumulated over centuries of spiritual practice and experience, possesses four qualities: predatory, animal, demonic, and divine. The latter represents our true origin and potential, and...
$24.95 USD
Are you longing to experience a more intimate and loving relationship with Allah? Do your imperfections leave you feeling unworthy of love from a perfect creator? Has your holy journey left you with more questions than answers? Are you struggling to relate sacred text to your tech-dominated life? Internationally acclaimed, award winning author A. Helwa has inspired over half a million readers with her passionate and poetic approach to holiness. Now she’s here to show you how to unlock your spiritual potential and unveil your true purpose. Secrets of Divine Love: A Spiritual Journey into the Heart of Islam is...
$12.95 USD
This inspirational collection of prayers and reminders is the perfect companion for anyone who wishes to connect to the Divine. Shaykh Omar Suleiman provides us with thirty short prayers taken from the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad and the early generations, each with a short reminder to deepen the impact of the prayer in our lives. Prayers of the Pious provides spiritual gems that serve as valuable wisdom and practical advice for the soul. By reading this short work with an attentive heart, the reader can cultivate a love for God and His Messenger and live life with gratitude and contentment. ...
$20.00 USD
Martin Lings provides an excellent and authoritative introduction to the mystical movement of the Sufis based on his lifelong interest in Islamic culture. His explanation derives from a profound understanding of Sufism, and extends to many aspects which are usually neglected. His illuminating answer to 'What is Sufism?' gives a taste of the very subject matter itself. What do Sufis believe? What do they aim at? What do they do? Unlike other writers on the subject, Martin Lings treats all the three questions with equal justice. He is thus able to give a wealth of answers to the main question...
$19.95 USD
– Sold OutThings fall apart. And they break sometimes. Like many of you, my journey hasn’t always been easy. Pain is very real. And so is loss. Sometimes it’s hard not to let the weight of what we carry—or the memory of what we’ve lost—take over. Many of us know the reality of struggle, and so many people suffer in silence. It’s hard. It’s hard not to give up when we face the repeated disappointments of life. Like some of you, I’ve known loneliness. I’ve known defeat. I’ve fallen many times chasing mirages, and broken many bones making castles in life’s fading sands....
$11.95 USD
As our community encounters death at an increasing rate, how do we honor those who have left us beyond the Janazah? How can the families of our deceased brothers and sisters cope and grow, while staying connected to their loved ones? This book is meant to provide guidance spiritually to those who are grieving, while also covering the rulings associated with death and mourning for practical purposes. We pray that this will offer clarity and comfort to those who need it most in these difficult times.
$8.00 USD
– Sold OutHow do we develop a good understanding of right and wrong? How do we change ourselves so that we can live by the universal, moral values of Islam? This handbook tells us how to go about changing ourselves in seven steps. Based on Imam Ghazali's teachings, this handbook is attractively laid out and easy to understand. About the Author: Musharraf Hussain is chief Executive of Karimia Institute and chief editor of invitation. In 2009 he was awarded OBE for his services to community relations in Britain. He is chairman of Christian Muslim forum, trustee of Muslim Hands and National Centre...
$7.00 USD
A Manual of Blessings & Peace on the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) "A Perfect Companion Book to Prayers for Forgiveness" The greatest source of blessings and mercy for the Muslim and for all of mankind is Muhammad, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace), sent as a Mercy to the Worlds. Muslims, as the most privileged recipients of this mercy, are required to invoke blessings (salat) upon him, and doing so holds great reward; the Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "Whoever sends one blessing upon me,...
$8.00 USD
"When you are spiritually intelligent you become more aware of the big picture, for yourself and the universe, and your place and purpose in it."—Tony Buzan How do we develop a spiritual intelligence? How do we change ourselves so that we can live by the universal spiritual values? Seven Steps to Spiritual Intelligence tells us how to do so, while also summarizing fourteen centuries of spiritual wisdom in Islamic literature, from the great scholars and Sufis of Spain, Morocco, Turkey, and India. About the Author: Musharraf Hussain, Ph.D., OBE, is the director of the Karimia Institute in Nottingham, United Kingdom. He...
$32.00 USD
In this work, here presented in a complete English edition for the first time, the problem of knowing God is confronted in an original and stimulating way. Taking up the Prophet's teaching that 'Ninety-nine Beautiful Names' are truly predicated of God, the author explores the meaning and resonance of each of these divine names, and reveals the functions they perform both in the cosmos and in the soul of the spiritual adept. Although some of the book is rigorously analytical, the author never fails to attract the reader with his profound mystical and ethical insights, which, conveyed in his sincere...
$35.00 USD
Aisha al-Ba‘uniyya (c.1456–1517) was one of the greatest women mystics in Islamic history. A Sufi master and an Arab poet, her religious writings were extensive by any standard and extraordinary for her time. In medieval Islam, a number of women were respected scholars and teachers, but they rarely composed works of their own. Aisha al-Ba‘uniyya, however, was prolific. She composed over twenty works and likely wrote more Arabic prose and poetry than any other Muslim woman prior to the twentieth century. The first full-scale biography of al-Ba‘uniyya in the English language, this volume provides a rare glimpse into the life...
$18.99 USD
Discover the richness of Rumi's spiritual tradition―through facing-page commentary that brings his writings to life for you. "This book you are now holding is a selection of what I believe are the best of Rumi’s accounts of the compassionate actions, sayings, and qualities of the Prophet, which include Rumi’s own inspired comments and explanations. It is my hope that you will be surprised and uplifted by the profound wisdom that Jalaluddin Rumi conveys through these stories and sayings."―from the Preface This great Sufi poet and teacher can become a companion for your own spiritual journey. The lyric and wisdom poetry...
$9.95 USD
– Sold OutThe renowned Persian Sufi mystic Mevlâna Jalâluddin Rumi (1207–1273) is one of the most widely read poets in the world today. His compassionate insight into the nature of human existence, his joyful humor, his deep wisdom, and his ecstatic songs of the divine union have endeared him to readers for more than seven hundred years. Selected from his most-loved works, this book contains the very best of Rumi's poetry in superb translation. By turns soaring, inspiring, lyrical, entertaining, and always full of profound guidance, Rumi’s transcendent words penetrate to the very depths of one’s heart, offering eloquent expression for what lies...
$10.00 USD
– Sold OutAgenda to Change Our Condition is a concise treatise on the path to taqwa (conscious awareness of our Lord). Muslims consider devotion to God through taqwa the primary reason for our existence and the means by which we are ensured continued succor from our Creator. This classic volume elucidates a simple yet effective means to transform our inner world through spiritual struggle with the soul. Author: Hamza Yusuf & Zaid ShakirPublisher: Sandala Inc.Language: EnglishISBN-13: 978-0985565916Paperback: 79 pages
$14.95 USD
This collection of short wisdoms from the works of Imam al-Ghazali reflects the broad range of his brilliant intellectual thought. With an emphasis upon literary quality, concision, and concentration of meaning, each aphorism is full of value and significance and typifies the tradition of qawa'id (legal maxims) in the Islamic intellectual sciences. A commentary accompanies each maxim unraveling its wisdom. Tastefully presented and luxurious in feel, this book is a chamber of spirituality readers will look forward to delving into. The second title in the Treasury in Islamic Thought and Civilization series, which seeks to present clear introductions to the...
$21.95 USD
The Fragrant Scent is the first English translation of the work of the great eighteenth-century scholar Sayyid Abd al-Rahman al-Aydarus. The book is a meditation on the fleeting thoughts that pass through the mind of the spiritual wayfarer, and the author’s aim is to provide guidance for those on the spiritual path. The author draws on a rich selection of authoritative sources to answer key questions about the wayfarer’s experiences, including the Qur’an, the Hadith, Ghazali, Jilani and Abu Madyan. This concise, yet wide-ranging treatise covers topics such as the different types of passing thoughts and their causes, knowledge of...
$27.95 USD
The Book of Knowledge (Kitab al-'ilm) is the foundation of the forty books of the Revival of the Religious Sciences (Ihya' 'ulum al-din), Imam al-Ghazali’s magnum opus. In the Book of Knowledge, he defines knowledge, its relation to faith, theology, and jurisprudence. The book deals with the virtue of knowledge from both rational and traditional points of view. It elucidates the types of knowledge and the nature of people’s obligation to seek knowledge. Imam al-Ghazali defines jurisprudence and theology as branches of Islamic knowledge, then outlines those fields that people incorrectly consider to be Islamic disciplines, and distinguishes the praiseworthy...
$9.00 USD
Is Your Child Not Praying Regularly? Do you wish there was an easy way to get your child to pray the five daily Salah regularly without making them feel as though it’s a chore? One of the key reasons why, even with the best intentions, the habit of praying is not formed in young children is because progress is not actively measured or encouraged. What gets measured, improves. And that's what Prayer Practice offers you. With this tracking system you can ensure that your child will enjoy praying their Salah and do so regularly. Here’s how: There are stickers that your child...
$14.95 USD
“These lofty words are an antidote for anyone sickened by extremism's poison.” Considered by Rumi to be “the master” of Sufi mystic poetry, Attar is best known for this epic poem, a magnificent allegorical tale about the soul’s search for meaning. He recounts the perilous journey of the world’s birds to the faraway peaks of Mount Qaf in search of the mysterious Simorgh, their king. Attar’s beguiling anecdotes and humor intermingle the sublime with the mundane, the spiritual with the worldly, while his poem models the soul’s escape from the mind’s rational embrace. Sholeh Wolpé re-creates for modern readers the...
$32.00 USD
Written by Abu Hamid Ghazali in the 11th century, The Revival of the Religious Sciences is one of the most authoritative texts in Islamic religious literature. Offering a deeper understanding of Islam and its practices, this record contains the only English translation of an essential section from this magnum opus. Admired for the author's analytical approach and detailed exploration of the psychological and spiritual effects of prayer, this compendium will not only interest academics, but also Muslims who wish to recite the prayers in the original Arabic. About the Authors: Abu Hamid al-Ghazali is a famous Islamic theologian and mystic. He is...
$19.95 USD
The importance of al-Ghazali in the intellectual and spiritual history of both the Western and Islamic world cannot be too highly estimated. He is considered to be the savior of Islam because in his 40-volume opus magnum, The Revival of the Religion Sciences, he clarifies the spiritual meanings and inner purposes of every aspect of the Islamic faith. This book, an illustrated biography for both parents and children—with adjacent text for both—presents this inspiring life with exquisite miniatures in the Persian style. The biography covers his humble birth and education, rise to fame, spiritual crisis, and subsequent journeying to find the...
$8.00 USD
The ultimate yearning of the human soul is to return to its Lord in a state where He is pleased with His servant and the servant is pleased with their Master. This book offers unique insights to prepare you for the journey to God through the wisdom of the great spiritual master Ibn Ata'illah al-Iskandari as expounded in his masterpiece al-Hikam. This is the ultimate quest of the human soul; however, without knowledge of the spiritual path, the journey will be more challenging and full of obstacles. This book covers various topics on what can be learnt to make the...
$12.00 USD
This book is a small contribution to the revival of the Sunnah of fasting on the days outside the month of Ramadan, not as a compulsion, but as a part of our lifestyles. Alhamdulillah, a total of a hundred points on the benefits of voluntary fasting have been included. Unquestionably, the benefits are greater during Ramadan because of the showering of blessings during that holiest of months. But the aim is to promote the Sunnah of fasting on regular days amongst our Muslim sisters and brothers. This work has been divided into three sections: Spiritual, Health, and the Social Benefits...
$65.00 USD
فإنّ التربية عمل ملازم لكلّ مجتمع إنساني بغية بناء الإنسان، وترسيخ وجوده الحضاريوإذا كان الإنسان يتمتّع بخصائص مميّزة، ومواهب وقدارات وينفرد بها عن بقيّة الكئنات، فإنّ هذه الخصائص والقدرات، على كونها استعدادات فطرية، تطلّب عملية التربية حتى تتّجه نحو كما لها وتقاربه، ليتمكنّ الإنسان من القيام بدوره الحيات خير قيام.وإذا ما أمعن المرء النظر، رأى أنّ جميع الأمم تعمل على تربية أبنائها حول ثلاثة محاور أساسية: ١- محور النفس البشرية، وما طبعت عليه من ميول ورغبات، و قابلية الاتّجاه نحو الخير، والاتجاه نحو الشرّ٢ - إرثها التاريخي الثقافي، ويشمل عقائدها، ومبادئها وآدابها وتقاليدها٣- ما تعتقد أنّه ضروري لمتطلّبات حاضرها، وجوهري...
$19.95 USD
This enchanting tale illustrates how that the human heart is like a rusty mirror which, when polished through beautiful doings, is able to reflect the real essence of all things. In addition to this story is a poem by the renowned poet, Coleman Barks. Both draw on the same account found in Ghazali’s The Marvels of the Heart, Book XXI, of his magnum opus, The Revival of Religious Sciences. Suggested Age: 5 - 7 yearsPublisher: Fons VitaeLanguage: EnglishISBN-10: 1941610137ISBN-13: 978-1941610138Hardcover: 44 pages
$36.95 USD
This book takes the reader into the heart of the mystery of the 99 sacred Names of Allah. It is a vehicle for understanding the infinite nature of God, and for discovering the divine potential in every soul. It is also a guidebook for progressing through the stages of the spiritual path and an instruction manual for teachers on how to work with students more wisely, as physicians of the heart. In the process of this voyage to discovery, the reader is systematically exposed to the universal mysticism encoded in the Qur'an and in the classical Sufi traditions, as well...
$9.95 USD
The Prophet ﷺ said that there is no deed better in the sight of Allah SWT, or more greatly rewarded than a good deed that is done in the first 10 days of Dhul-Hijjah. This sacred month brings great opportunities and rewards yet sometimes we fail to realise and appreciate the importance of these special days. This short, yet informative book will take you on a journey to understand the hidden gems that one can avail from during the blessed month of Dhul-Hijjah Publisher : Kube Publishing Ltd (May 28, 2024) Language : English Paperback...
$26.95 USD
Book 4 of the Ihya Ulum al Din Al-Ghazālī begins with a discussion of the merits of the prayer, the prostration, the importance of reverence, and the mosque. He explains the acts involved in the outward elements of the prayer and outlines which of these acts are obligatory and which are sunna. He then discusses the inward requisites of the prayer—the practices of the heart— and presents practical remedies for a distracted heart. Al-Ghazālī explains the role of the imām who leads the group prayer and the merits of the Friday prayer; he addresses supererogatory prayers, the daily sunnas, and...
$80.00 USD
Few forms of classical Islam are more controversial among modern Muslims than the spiritual discipline known as Sufism. Yet, in the face of the modern Muslim tendency to limit Islam's deployment to the emphatically political, few expressions of the religion could be more central to its spiritual vitality in the modern world. In his translation and analysis of Ibn 'Ata' Allah al-Sakandari's Taj al-'Arus, Sherman A. Jackson demonstrates that violent, lax, or rigid readings of the texts of Islam are just as much a result of the state of spiritual health, awareness, and fortitude of those who read and deploy...
$14.95 USD
This new anthology of Rumi’s teachings is freshly translated and supplemented with commentaries, and also includes selected texts in Persian. The aim is to bring readers closer to his work's true, traditional meaning – and to the man himself as a great Muslim teacher and spiritual guide. Besides illustrating the traditional basis of Rumi’s teachings, this Treasury displays his unique genius as one of the world’s greatest religious writers, whose voice speaks as clearly and compellingly today as in the 7th/13th century.
$16.95 USD
by Imam AbdAllah ibn Alawi al-Haddad Translator Dr. Mostafa Badawi This volume contains three concise treatises of the venerable Imam al-Haddad. The first treatise, Mutual Reminding, distils the ethic and content of offering good counsel to one another. The chief elements of counsel, says the Imam, are Taqwa, an active fear and consciousness of God, and detachment from the material world. These elements connect with the topic of the second treatise, Good Manners, which discusses the manners recommended of the spiritual wayfarer as he or she takes the path to spiritual felicity. The third treatise, The Aphorisms, is a compilation of...
$26.95 USD
In the Principles of the Creed, (Kitab qawaid al-aqaid) second of the forty books of the Revival of the Religious Sciences(Ihya’ ulum al-din), Abu Hamid al-Ghazali explains the fundamental beliefs of Islam, those that concern faith in God, His revelation, His messengers, and the hereafter. The scope of these beliefs includes the nature of God, Muhammad’s status as a prophet, the virtues of the Companions, the events related to the resurrection and judgment, and the nature of faith itself. This presentation of beliefs goes beyond a list of creedal statements; al-Ghazali cites the scriptural foundations in the Quran and hadith,...
$24.95 USD
– Sold OutUnlike most English-language books on Sufism - which tend to reflect on the sociocultural orientations of the modern West - this account provides a window into the living Sufism of the Khalidi-Naqshbandi of Kurdistan. In this sense, Sufism is quite unique as it contextualizes the practice both historically and within the Islamic religious milieu. With reviews on the 25 stations experienced by Sufis, from repentance to servanthood, this reference also discusses 15 common altered states of consciousness as well as technical terms, praiseworthy and blameworthy attributes, and the Naqshbandi path. Given its comprehensive content, this book offers a solid basis...
$12.95 USD
Life is not always easy. We face challenges, difficulties and hardship throughout our life journey. These highs and lows are a part of life. Sometimes however, we need that reminder that Allah is always there and these moments of hardship are not punishments but trials from Him to strengthen us, guide us and elevate us….one breath at a time. Publisher: Kube Publishing Ltd (December 28, 2021)Language: EnglishPaperback: 148 pagesISBN-10: 1847741673ISBN-13: 978-1847741677
$18.00 USD
Roland Merullo's playful, eloquent, and life-affirming novel finds the Pope and the Dalai Lama teaming up for an unsanctioned road trip through the Italian countryside to rediscover the everyday joys of life that can seem, even for the two holiest men in the world, unattainable. What happens when the Pope and the Dalai Lama decide they need an undercover vacation? During a highly publicized official visit at the Vatican, the Pope suggests an adventure so unexpected and appealing that neither man can resist. Before dawn, two of the most beloved and famous people on the planet don disguises, slip into...
$17.95 USD
This text has long been recognized as not only an Islamic classic, but also as a great spiritual autobiography of one of the world's greatest religious thinkers. It is the narrative of how one dedicated seeker of true knowledge and salvation, having probed various systems of thought and differing paths of learning and enlightenment, discovered the peace of the inner life and discipline of mystical spirituality. Author: Abu Hamid Muhammad al-GhazaliTranslator from the Arabic: R.J. McCarthy, S.J. Preface by: David Burrell, C.S.CIntroduction by: William A. GrahamPublisher: Fons VitaeLanguage: EnglishISBN-10: 1887752307ISBN-13: 978-1887752305Paperback: 115 pages
$19.95 USD
The Story of How a World-Famous Dancer Fell in Love With the Divine Gracefully chronicling one Western woman's attraction to the universal charm of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad. This inspirational memoir chronicles why and how Brodbeck journeyed from the exciting world of modern dance in New York City to Istanbul, where she lovingly embraced Islam. Author: Rabia Christine BrodbeckISBN-13: 978-1597841429