$38.50 USD
This book represents a simple, intriguing, and historically precise portrayal of 60 Companions of Prophet Muhammad (s). This is the textbook for both SIR 101 and 102 with the Ribaat Academic Program. For more information, please visit rabata.org/ribaat. Author: Asma Tabaa'Translator: Sawsan TarabishyPaperback: 441 pages
$85.00 USD
– Sold OutThis multiple award-winning, comprehensive compilation of narrations and details of the life of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has never before been available in English until now! Internationally acclaimed as “the most authoritative resource” on the Sīra, this two-volume translation text book is revolutionary in bringing his (S) life to life for every one who ventures upon it. The original volumes have won the approval and praise of numerous scholars. Now, it is at last available as a treasured text for your personal or educational development. Author: Samira al-ZayidTranslators: Susan Imady, Tamara Gray, & Randa MardiniPublisher: Daybreak PressPaperback: Vol 1, 570 pages; Vol...
$15.95 USD
Through 30 beautifully detailed chapters with narrations from companions, take a journey from only knowing about Muhammad (SAW) to knowing him and loving him and feel what it was like to be a companion of his in this life and strive to be companions of his in the next. Publisher : Kube Publishing Ltd (May 31, 2022) Author: Omar Suleiman Language : English Hardcover : 286 pages ISBN-10 : 1847741770 ISBN-13 : 978-1847741776 Item Weight : 2.31 pounds Dimensions : 5 x 0.75 x 7.5 inches
$32.00 USD
في هذا الكتاب عرض مبسط مشوّق لستين شخصية من صحابة رسول الله ﷺ..... شهدوا فجر الإسلام وسطعت عليهم شمس التوحيد، فأيقظتهم من غفلة الشرك والشرود وراحوا يتلقّون من رسول الله ﷺ دروس الهدى ثم هبّوا في حركة راشدة يبنون الحياة الجديدة، فأشرقت بهم الأرض وتعطّر التاريخ.... فكانوا نجوماً متلألئة في سماء الإنسانية تطوف في فلك النبوة، لكل نجم من هذه النجوم قصة حب مع الله... قصة تعلم الإنسان-كائناً من كان- كيف يصالح الله، كيف يسعَد ويسعِد... إنه فن الحياة يتعلمه القارئ من هؤلاء النجوم. تأليف أسماء طباع The book is the original Arabic version of Stars in the Prophet's...
$29.99 USD
🗓️ NOTE: ORDERS WILL SHIP AFTER FEBRUARY 20, 2025 Journey into the character of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and become the best version of yourself! What did the Prophet ﷺ do when a companion asked for his new cloak? What did the Prophet ﷺ do when a tree cried? What did the Prophet ﷺ do when a family member tried to keep him from teaching about Islam? The Prophetﷺ was sent as a role model for us, but how can we follow his example? My Prophet ﷺ, Myself explores twenty-one positive characteristics of the best teacher of all time: Prophet Muhammad...
$27.50 USD
EACH OF YOU ARE A SHEPHERD AND EACH OF YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIER FLOCK This profound statement by Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) compels us to recognize that we are all leaders at some level. But what makes someone a good leader? And how does each and everyone of us measure up against the leadership standards set by the Prophet? This book presents a well researched leadership framework combined with extensively applied contemporary practitioner case studies for the first time to readers interested in a Sirah (prophetic life) based universal model for good leadership. Drawing upon scholarly findings from eastern and...
$75.00 USD
هذا الكتاب في جزئين تأليف الشيخة سميرة الزايد، وهي عالمة عاشت في القرن العشرين والواحد والعشرين. سبقت كل علماء عصرها. مؤلفاتها عميقة تغوص بك في عالم الحبيب رسول الله ﷺ وقراءة هذا الكتاب ستغير حياتك عندما تتفكر في حياته عليه السلام. هذا الكتاب تحديداً يحتوي على دروس من حياته ﷺ. ويهدف هذا الكتاب لإنارة عقول وقلوب هذا الجيل السالك في طريق العلم. This Arabic, 2-volume book is written by Sheikha Samira az-Zayid, a female scholar who lived during the twentieth and twenty first century. She was the foremost scholar of Sīra in the world during her life. Her publications are a...
$60.00 USD
Following Dr Yasir Qadhi’s ground-breaking video lecture series on the sīrah of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, this book is an equally impactful written adaptation. It provides a refreshing insight into the life of the Final Messenger and contextualises the sīrah in the modern-day context. It is not just a chronological account but also offers beneficial and actionable lessons, relating the biography of the Prophet (PBUH) to our daily lives. This book includes sections on the introduction to the Prophet SAW, setting the scene of his life, as well as his early life starting from birth to childhood and early adulthood. There...
$34.95 USD
– Sold Outby Dr. M. Said Ramadan al Buti / Translated by: Nancy Roberts This book highlights the significance of studying the prophetic biography for understanding Islam and the scholarly methods of narrating it. It tackles the period from the Prophet's birth to his mission, so it mentions his lineage, birth and suck; his journey to Syria; his laboring for provision, his trading with Khadijah's wealth, his marriage to her, his participation in building the Kabah, his seclusion in Hira Cave and the start of the Revelation. Publisher: Dar al-Fikr, (January 1, 2006)Language: EnglishHardcover: 670 pagesISBN-10: 9953511179ISBN-13: 978-9953511177
$15.95 USD
Historically, women have been an integral part of spreading our Deen. They have contributed as mothers, wives, supporters, and defenders of our religion. This book allows the reader to take a glimpse into the lives of thirty-seven amazing women. Starting with the women from the Prophet Muhammad's (SAW) household to female companions and pioneers of Islamic History. Women in Islamic History have had a huge impact on building nations. Many that have been through education, raising children, raising scholars or being scholars themselves. These exceptional women have helped shape the world. These women have a lot of favours upon us,...
$20.00 USD
– Sold OutHer name is Khadijah. The Great. She was the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the first to believe in his message and the first mother of the nation that forever changed the course of history. This book immerses you in Khadijah's legendary story. Its rich description places you in front -row seats in her arena. Its flowing narrative renders a captive reading experience. and since only traditional sources have been used, the story loses nothing of its authentic spiritual elevation. Discover an inspirational life. Discover Khadijah. Author: Fatima Barkatulla Publisher: Learning Roots Ltd (September 5, 2023)Language: EnglishISBN-13: 978-1915381019Reading age:...
$12.95 USD
Exploring seventy incidents that serve as a reminder as to who the Prophet really was: a man of mercy and moral greatness who sought not the praise of this world, but its betterment through his example. To delegitimize the Messenger is to call into question the entire message. During his time, the Makkans called him a poet, a magician, and a madman, among other names. Today, he is insulted with other labels. The question of whether or not he sacrificed his principles in the pursuit of conveying his message successfully is one that requires an in-depth look. By Mohammad Elshinawy...
$13.95 USD
This beautiful presentation of Blessed Names and Characteristics of Prophet Muhammad draws the reader nearer to the Prophet through contemplation and reflection of his names, their meaning and how each shapes our daily lives.By studying the Prophet's names readers may grasp the pivotal role of the Prophet in Islam and the interrelationship between God, the Prophet, and man. The Prophet's names are also reflective of his unblemished character and conduct, shedding light upon the attributes that make him a remarkable role model for all mankind.Each name is selected from the Qur'an or a hadith. Accompanying each name is a commentary...
$19.95 USD
A revised edition of the internationally acclaimed biography of the prophet Includes important additions about the prophet’s spread of Islam into Syria and its neighboring states Contains original English translations from 8th and 9th century biographies, presented in authoritative language Represents the final updates made on the text before the author’s death in 2005 Martin Lings’ biography of Muhammad is an internationally acclaimed, comprehensive, and authoritative account of the life of the prophet. Based on the sira, the eighth- and ninth-century Arabic biographies that recount numerous events in the prophet’s life, it contains original English translations of many important passages that...
$9.99 USD
The first title in the Ramadan Classics series, "The Story of the Holy Prophet Muhammad" is written for children and young adults in the West to read over the Islamic month of Ramadan. Families can read the daily chapter together and discuss the beautiful personality of the Holy Founder of Islam, and take away lessons that will last a lifetime. Order now to receive before Ramadan! 101 pages 102
$14.95 USD
ʿAisha bint Abu Bakr (RA) has been an inspiration and paragon for Muslims since the first generation of Believers emerged. Hailed as a guiding light, a fount of wisdom and a purveyor of the Prophetic mission, Aisha’s words have illuminated Islamic thought in all its branches. This book compiles 40 of her insights and statements in the categories of Qur’anic exegesis (tafsīr), Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Theology (ʿaqīdah), Politics (siyāsah) and Heart Softeners (al-raqā’iq) with commentary for the contemporary Muslim seeking spiritual and moral direction as they traverse through daily life and its challenges and possibilities. Author: Sofia RehmanPublisher: Kube Publishing LtdPublication Date: 04/25/2023Language: EnglishISBN-13: 9781847742018Hardcover: 192...
$200.00 USD
– Sold Outقامت المؤلفة بقراءة السيرة من منابعها الأولى ومصادرها الأم ومن مصادر أخرى وبعد دراستها قامت بتأليف هذا الكتاب لتجمع فيه أخبار السيرة من أوثق مصادرها واعتمدت في هذا الكتاب بالإضافة إلى الى كتب السيرة كتب الأحاديث، كما حرصت على تنسيق الأخبار وترتيبها زمنياً . وقد أفردت لكل فترة زمنية من حياة النبي ﷺ قسماً خاصاً بها يضم أحداثه، هذا الكتاب في ستة أجزاء يعتبره بعض الدعاة والعلماء مرجعاً أساسياً لمن يريد دراسة السيرة النبوية تأليف الدكتورة سميرة الزايد A 6-volume compilation of sirah written in Arabic by Ustadha Samira az-Zayid, a female scholar residing in Damascus, Syria, with a Bachelor's...
$7.00 USD
A Manual of Blessings & Peace on the Prophet Muhammad (Allah bless him and give him peace) "A Perfect Companion Book to Prayers for Forgiveness" The greatest source of blessings and mercy for the Muslim and for all of mankind is Muhammad, the Beloved Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace), sent as a Mercy to the Worlds. Muslims, as the most privileged recipients of this mercy, are required to invoke blessings (salat) upon him, and doing so holds great reward; the Messenger (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, "Whoever sends one blessing upon me,...
$18.00 USD
Sayings of the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) is a selection of 365 profound and pithy observations made by the Prophet's illustrious Companions. The sayings supplement and complement the life-giving message of the Qur'an and Sunnah that these Companions experienced first-hand by being in close companionship with the Prophet.
$9.99 USD
Discover Your Meeting Place with the Prophet (S)! Are you worried about your child’s spiritual development? Are you concerned that your child might grow to be ‘empty on the inside’? Are you looking for a way to connect your child’s heart at a deep level to a higher purpose in life? If so, you’ll know you’ve found what your looking for when tears of spiritual joy flow from your child’s face. And no story that we’ve produced has done that more than The Prophet’s Pond. If your child hasn’t experienced this splendid tale, then they’re really missing out on something...
$14.99 USD
Shaykh Muhammad 'Alawi al-Maliki delivers an absorbing account of the Isra' wal-Mi'raj that brings the reader almost into the story. Indeed it is a detailed narrative spiced with a simple commentary that attempts to reconcile various accounts or reports of the event that transpired. This provides a comprehensive reading that takes the reader on an experiential ride to feel the magic of Rasulullah's journey. In short, it is very inspiring; exhilarating to the spiritual core. Praise be to Allah Who chose His praiseworth servant Muhammad (saw) for the Message, distinguished him with the night journey on the lightening-mount Buraq, and...
$15.95 USD
– Sold OutA collection of Hadith from the Prophet Muhammad (s), chosen for their profound wisdom and applicability to all walks of life for this publication. Translated by: Thomas CLeary Published by: Shambhala Classics Paperback 131 pages
$15.00 USD
– Sold OutMuhammad, the messenger of Allah(SAW) showed mankind how to live upon this earth. He clarified in the most minute detail how humans should worship their Lord, interact with each other and live their daily lives in a state of awareness of their Creator. It is hoped that this work will help Muslims to incorporate the Prophetic programme into their daily lives. They may then come to love following his path in every state and in so doing attain the love of Allah. About the Author: Shaykh Umar Husayn al-Khatib has travelled to the East and West teaching people the Prophetic...
$17.95 USD
Having true love for the Messenger ﷺ is a divine command, while cultivating this love such that he ﷺ becomes more beloved to one than one’s own self was described by the Prophet ﷺ as the hallmark of true faith. None displayed this love for him ﷺ more than the best of generations, the Companions. Their love was described by the Commander of the Faithful 'Ali (RA), who said, ‘The Messenger of Allah ﷺ was more beloved to us than our wealth, children, fathers, mothers and more beloved to us than cool water at the point of thirst.’So how do...
$29.95 USD
This book belongs to the traditional genre of Islamic 'sacred history' sources known as sira (biography). It contains a famous and a most indispensable collection of authentic traditions (ahadith), listing the main texts from which to glean the beautiful attributes, both moral and physical, of the Holy Prophet – Peace and Blessings be upon Him; attributes to which Muslims in all ages referred over and over, for the purposes of both meditation and edification. At no time is this sacred collection of traditions more needed, as an object of knowledge and as food for thought, than in ours, when the excesses...
$44.99 USD
The main stories of each Prophet written in simple language and broken down into short chapters making it easy for your child to read and understand. Reflection points in the middle of the stories encouraging your child to think about the lessons learnt from the Prophet's life. A learning map so your child can see where each story fits in the bigger picture. Graded exercises that explore your child's understanding of each chapter.
$6.95 USD
Zayd ibn Haritha, an emancipated slave of the Prophet Muhammad, was a sincere friend and a loyal servant. He was also one of the first to embrace the Islamic faith immediately after the revelations began. Under the guidance of the Prophet, he became fully equipped to undertake various significant roles in the community and rose up to become a commander of the army. This book tells us the exemplary life story of this distinguished personality, a role model before everyone to realize their human potential. by Resit Haylamaz Binding: PaperbackPages: 80Age: Juvenile (9-12, grades 4-7)Publisher: Tughra Books
$7.50 USD
Uthman Dhun-Nurayn is the third of the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs in the history of Islam. His possessing of the "two lights" refers to his honor of being the son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), twice. This book is a biography of this one of the leading figures of the Islamic advent, for whom the Prophet said, "Everyone will have a friend in paradise and my friend there will be Uthman." By Ferruh Akin Pages: 85Publisher: Tughra BooksBinding: Paperback
$8.95 USD
A collection of lively, well-loved stories from the life of the Prophet Muhammad.Includes twenty-three charming illustrations of Arabia. Author: Mardijah Aldrich TarantinoPublisher: The Islamic FoundationISBN-13: 978-0860371038Paperback: 120 pages
$15.00 USD
Light in the Heavens by al-Qadi al-Quda'i, a Sunni judge in the Fatimid court in Egypt, is an outstanding example of a compilation of these sayings, known as hadiths, that circulated orally and were later assembled and written down. From North Africa to India, generations have used Light in the Heavens as a teaching text for children as well as adults, and many of its 1,200 sayings are familiar to individuals of diverse denominations and ethnicities. For Muslims―who consider Muhammad’s teachings the fount of wisdom and the beacon of guidance in all things, mundane and sublime―these sayings provide a direct window...
$18.95 USD
– Sold OutFew things provoke controversy in the modern world like the religion brought by Muhammad. Modern media are replete with alarm over jihad, underage marriage and the threat of amputation or stoning under Shariah law. Sometimes rumor, sometimes based in fact and often misunderstood, the tenets of Islamic law and dogma were not set in the religion’s founding moments. They were developed over centuries by the clerical class of Muslim scholars.Misquoting Muhammad takes the reader back in time through Islamic civilization and traces how and why such controversies developed, offering an inside view into how key and controversial aspects of Islam took...
$24.95 USD
A presentation of the Prophet's character: his love for family and follower, leadership before persecution, and spiritual devotion to God. Muslims all over the world see Muhammad as God's last messenger to mankind. Through his actions, he showed the way to live a life that provides for all the needs of body, mind, and soul, and elevates man's aspirations towards a sublime ideal in a very simple, direct, and truthful manner. He built a state that was dedicated to truth and justice and to the liberation of man throughout the world. He wrote to emperors, kings, and rulers, calling on...
$18.95 USD
This is the first Volume in a series of three in relation to the family of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ. The books encompass as much sound knowledge as possible on the lives of these great figures. The Series in itself is called the Jewels of the Ahlul Bayt. This first Volume will speak more specifically in regard to the Virtues of Amir al-Muminin 'Ali ibn Abi Talib. The sections go through a chronological journey through the life of Ali ibn Abi Talib. They explain how our master entered Islam through the blessed hands of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, his belief system,...
$10.59 USD
– Sold OutTHE MESSENGER OF ALLAH (P.B.U.H) said: “Verily the most beloved and closest of you to me on the Day of Judgment will be the ones with the most excellent character, and the worst and most distant of you from me on the Day of Judgment will be the prideful and arrogant ones.” From this single statement of our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H), we can gauge the lofty status of excellent character and the detrimental effect of evil character. When deeply analyzed, it is realized that evil character traits are the root causes of all social ills, every manifestation of strife, and...
$70.00 USD
This book is about the life and virtues of the eminent lady Sayyidatunā Fāṭima al-Zahra . Through her, with Sayyidunā ‘Alī , the blessed lineage of her father, the Messenger of God ﷺ, was preserved. She resembled him in every way, and of all people she was the dearest to his heart. She stood with him ﷺ and strove always to serve and aid him, taking care of him after the death of her mother, Sayyidatunā Khadīja. Fāṭima was brave, strong, forbearing, dutiful, gracious, and protective. She was a loving mother and an inspiring example to her sons, Imams Ḥasan...
$40.00 USD
– Sold Out“Muhammad: Man and Prophet” presents a captivating and comprehensive narrative, tracing the remarkable events from the commencement of revelations to the Prophet Muhammad to the triumphant unification of Arabia under the faith of Islam. This book thoroughly examines the distinguished life and illustrious career of the Prophet, drawing insights from authentic Arabic sources on Islam. Catering to a wide audience, the book is written in a manner accessible to both general readers and specialists alike. It provides a profound analysis of the life of Prophet Muhammad, shedding light on his character, teachings, and significant achievements. By delving into the authentic...
$20.00 USD
A truly unique work! The Soliloquy of the Full Moon is the first English mawlid work ever written. An 1000 line panegyric, it is a fully metered, rhyming, epic poem celebrating the virtues of the Prophet ﷺ, the signs preceding his advent, the wonders of his birth and nursing, the first revelations and his night journey and ascension.For the first time, English speakers can enjoy the full experience of traditional mawlid. Classical in form, Shakespearean in cadence, it was composed over twelve nights by the author at the age of only 15. It is a must for every home. ...
$6.95 USD
– Sold OutIf one truly wishes to develop their recognition of the Messenger of Allāh Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam, it is necessary for them to study him Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam in the context of his closest comparisons – the prophets of Allāh Alahimus Salaam. It becomes apparent quite imminently that the Messenger of Allāh Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam was ranted great superiority and virtue by Allāh SWT over the rest of creation. The publication attempts to shed light on this particular point and by studying it, you will be able to recognize the magnificent status of the Messenger of Allāh SWT. BidĀyah as-sul fĪ...
$19.85 USD
This children's book on the life of the Prophet Muhammad is taken from traditional Muslim biographical literature, including hadith. Passages from the Qur'an are used throughout to reinforce the stories. The material is authentic and the style lively and attractive. Although the book has been written for children of 10 to 15 years of age, it can be usefully read by anyone as an introduction because of its completeness and clarity. There are 32 colour illustrations although there has been no attempt to portray either the Prophet or his Companions. The illustrations are representative of traditional Islamic life as lived in...
$9.99 USD
– Sold OutAbd-Allah Hajjaj has compiled from al-Fath al-Bari a selection of Hadith on the Isra, the the Prophet Muhammad's (S) Night-Journey from the Kabbah in Makkah to Bayt al-Maqdis - Jerusalem, and the Mi'raj, the Prophet Muhammad's (S) ascension to heaven. This selection of hadith takes as from Makkah to Jerusalem then up to the seven heavens, to the meetings with previous prophets and shows us the wonders of Paradise. The Isra' and Mi'raj are of great importance to all Muslims, for this is when Allah commanded the five daily prayers, one of the use pillars of Islam. Also Prophet Muhammad (S) leading all the...
$10.95 USD
This book invites Muslims and non-Muslims to acquaint themselves with the prophet's practice and teachings, his Sunnah, first hand. Relying exclusively upon the sayings and actions of the prophet, which have been selected and translated from authenticated and well-known collections of hadith literature, this book presents a close-up and composite picture of the life of the Prophet Muhammad, described in the Qur'an as the best model for humanity. Author Ahmad Von Denffer Publisher Kube Publishing Pages 120 Year Published 2016 Height 7.5 Width 5 Length 0.2
$15.00 USD
The Expeditions is one of the oldest biographies of the Prophet Muhammad to survive into the modern era. Its primary author, Ma'mar ibn Rashid (714-770 AD/96-153 AH), was a prominent scholar from Basra in southern Iraq who was revered for his learning in prophetic traditions, Islamic law, and the interpretation of the Qur'an. This fascinating foundational seminal work contains stories handed down by Ma'mar to his most prominent pupil, 'Abd al-Razzaq of Sanaa, relating Muhammad's early life and prophetic career as well as the adventures and tribulations of his earliest followers during their conquest of the Near East. Edited from...
$19.00 USD
لئن أثارت سيرة السيدة عائشة أم المؤمنين موضوعات شغلت المؤرخين والمشرعين وأصحاب الأهواء، وما تزال تشغلهم: فإن في سيرتها رضي الله عنها ذات شخصية فريدة، تبوأت من أجلها مكانة عند رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم في قلبه وفي حياته. تأليف الدكتور محمد سعيد رمضان البوطي
$8.10 USD
– Sold Out*** This is a damaged book, damages can include light binding damage, water damage or minor cosmetic issues. *NO RETURNS* Sayings of the Companions of the Prophet (PBUH) is a selection of 365 profound and pithy observations made by the Prophet's illustrious Companions. The sayings supplement and complement the life-giving message of the Qur'an and Sunnah that these Companions experienced first-hand by being in close companionship with the Prophet *** This is a damaged book, damages can include light binding damage, water damage or minor cosmetic issues. *NO RETURNS*
$9.95 USD
– Sold OutRamadhan, the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar is the month in which Allah bestowed countless blessings upon humanity.This month hosted the beginning of the revelation of the Quran; the mercy for the Universe Muhammad’s announcement of Prophethood; the first major victory for the Muslims at Badr and the Muslims’ re-entering of Makkah without any bloodshed.Furthermore to demonstrate its virtue Allah has made one of its nights better than a thousand months. He opens the gates of Paradise, shuts the gates of Hell and chains the devils in this month. Allah also forgives and pardons countless believing sinners from Hell.In...
$14.95 USD
Fourteen centuries ago, the final revelation of God descended upon Muhammad ﷺ. This message, Islam, spread rapidly across Arabia to nearby lands, and then across the world. Today, nearly two billion people believe in and follow this message. But who was Muhammad ﷺ and how can we be certain that he was a true messenger of God?In this book, Sh. Mohammad Elshinawy shares the multitude of proofs surrounding Muhammad’s ﷺ prophethood. There are abundant, comprehensive, and rational pathways that lead to this one certain conclusion: Muhammad ﷺ was indeed the final messenger of God to this world. What’s in the...
$11.95 USD
This final volume describes Prophet Muhammad (SAAS) confirming his close links to all the Prophets who preceded him and foretold of his coming. It describes his noble qualities, the uniqueness of the Qur'an which was revealed to him, the adab (etiquette) of visiting Madina where he is buried, and his intercession on the Last Day. Author: Ahmad ThomsonPublisher: Ta-Ha Publishers LtdLanguage: EnglishISBN-10: 1842000144ISBN-13: 978-1842000144 Paperback: 116 pages
$19.00 USD
A reprint of a book written in 1897 by Anna May Wilson about the life of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ