Essential Oil Perfumes

$16.00 USD

Pure essential oil blend with Aidia oil Exclusive Scents! 

Escada: A very light refreshing floral scent. 

Vanila Musk: Light and sweet with a little bit of funk.

Egyptian Amber: A warm Vanilla base, perfectly matched with a citrus and floral blend of essential oils.

3 Layers: A balanced blend of natural & essential oils good for day or night.

Depth: Profoundly layered blend of white amber and woody essential oils.

Mist of Paradise: Clean and refreshing blend of pure essential oils with a hint of mint, but mostly citrus.

Sweet Patchouli:  Earthy and musky with a bit of spice. 

Black Stone: Deep, dark and powerfully clean. Woody, floral and slightly musky.

Handcrafted | Sustainably Sourced | Vegan