Nothing to Summit

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Irum Ibrahim presents her collection of short essays on how to climb the mountain that is life. Each one meticulously crafted, provides you with a breath of fresh air, giving you the ability to rise.

Her chapters are split into five, ensuring that each step taken up the mountain is calculated and precise.

About the Author:

Irum was born in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and moved to the U.S at the young age of two. While her background is in Journalism, her passion for creative writing is rooted in a desire to help people feel more deeply, and have a greater understanding of their ability to grow.

Her first book, Nothing to Summit, is now available in bookstores worldwide. 

Author: Irum Ibrahim
Publisher: Leaf Publishing House
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1999955250
ISBN-13: 978-1999955250
Paperback: 152 pages